Designed for a corner position, this summer house has fully glazed double corner doors.
It has three variations, single room square, two room rectangle, and two room with large covered veranda. The rectangular versions are available in a left or right hand configuration.
Great building for a sunny corner of you garden. Fully glazed corner double doors give easy access and let in lots of light.
This style is available in 28mm and 44mm. The 28mm is ideal for summer use or if you want to extend your garden activities into the evening or early autumn.
For all year usage, or if the children are going to have sleepovers, we would recommend the 44m version.
Cabin specifications
Wall Thickness 28mm or 44mm single timber |
Floor Area 7.6m2 |
Double door Fully Glazed 1.494m x1.957m |
Window Two 0.71m x 1.224m |
Height to apex 2.66m |
Cubic volume 18.4m3 |
Height to eaves 2.17m |
Roof overhang front 0.29m |
Foundation base needed 3m x 3m |
Roof pitch Low pitch |
Aruba 1 Floor Plan